Medicine, Mind and Adolescence, 1993 - 1994 - VIII, 2 - IX,1 For an adequate channeling of the adolescent's energy V. Ovallesco e R. Abagnale Ovallesco; Gruppo Pari Adolescenti (G.Naddeo, T.Cesarano, A.Sansone, F.Di Nocera, F.Ponticelli, R.Ovallesco, Tiziano E.); Docenti Liceo Scientifico "F. Severi" (Preside Prof. Miro); Consultorio Familiare Stabiese (Dir. Dr. B.Aiello). |
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Modern reality is often an horizontal criterion and for the adolescent this is an amputated horizon. From 1968 until today the adolescent wants union but is tempted to "diaspora": "Always United, But Never Reunited". The adolescent asks for Hope, he wants to learn to hope. So, scientific high school (F. Severi) students with the technical collaboration and supervision of experts propose a plan "For an adequate channelling of the adolescents' energy not towards destructiveness but towards peace for life". They start from the "knowledge in order to pass to the consciousness of being" and it has qualify an "ability of doing". The adolescents are trained through a three years continuous cycle course with a "continuous running" but always "at an initial stage" situation; six lessons every year; each lesson consists of two stages: a theoretical one with audio-visual aids pointed out for adolescents, parents and teachers together and an explanatory-dynamic-operative one. During the first year they have approached history, myths and culture of sexual customs; the meaning of human sexuality; anatomic physic-biology of sex as well; health, body, sexuality, civic education. During the second year myths and cultures of contemporary sexual customs; anatomic-physic-biology of some important elements (language, caress, kiss, hygiene); fatherhood, motherhood; subjective experiences were dealt with. The second year see the establishment of a limited voluntary group (equal adolescents' group) that is supervised and that, during the third year, forms the operators of the permanent observatory directed and organized by the same adolescents (with the contextual beginning of a new first course) that can translate the adolescent codex. V. Ovallesco e R. Abagnale Ovallesco; Gruppo Pari Adolescenti (G.Naddeo, T.Cesarano, A.Sansone, F.Di Nocera, F.Ponticelli, R.Ovallesco, Tiziano E.); Docenti Liceo Scientifico "F. Severi" (Preside Prof. Miro); Consultorio Familiare Stabiese (Dir. Dr. B.Aiello): "For an Adequate Channeling of the Adolescent's Energy". Paper presented at the First International Congress of Adolescentology, Assisi, Italy, October 22-24, 1993. Key Words: Adolescence, Health Education, Sexual Education, Counselling, Peers' Group V. Ovallesco: Docente di Psicologia Generale presso l'Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose - Castellamare di Stabia (Na). R. Abagnale Ovallesco: Docente di Sociologia presso l'Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose - C. di Stabia (Na) Gruppo Pari Adolescenti e Docenti: Liceo Scientifico "F. Severi" (Preside: Prof. Miro) - C. di Stabia (Na) Consultorio Familiare Stabiere: Direttore: Dr. B. Aiello - C. Di Stabia (Na)
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