Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1996, XI, 1

Parental representations and Self-Image in adolescents with cycle and nutritional problems

Daini S., Renzi C., De Risio S.

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During the adolescent phase, the evolution of the Self-image is accompanied by transformations, not only on a relationship level but also of the internal images of the familiar figures of the adolescent. This study proposes a confrontation between the evolution of the Self and parental images in cases in which the process of individuation and adult identification is made more difficult by the concurrence of psychosomatic or behaviour pathologies.

The analysis of representations was conducted on a sample of 10 girls with anorexia, 9 girls with anorexia-bulimia, 10 girls with cycle disturbances (amenorrhoea) and on a control group of 10 healthy girls. All groups showed age-range between 16-20 yrs.

Diagnostic projective instruments (Rorschach and Graphics Tests) were used. To underline significant differences between groups, Variance analysis and Student’s t test were used for quantitative variables and Chi square for qualitative ones.

Adolescent groups were different both in Self and parental images. Restricter anorexics appeared more rigid in Self perception and in internal family representations. The evolutive level of Self representation is compromised, in the nutritional problem case, by confusion between one’ own image and the mother’s, as emerges from the analysis of Rorschach tables III, VII and IX. As to anorexic-bulimic group, object relations are of a more advanced level, but a source of depression.

Amenorrhoea group shows, significantly more than others, difficulties in identification process and in confrontation with mother’s model, that is manifested not only by somatic symptoms, but also by psychological features of an intense research for a contact with the father figure.

This study stresses the difficulties in separating the adolescent from family nucleus, in pathological cases, particularly in relationship to the development of the internal representation and the acquisition of a firm personal identity.

(Parental representations and self-image in adolescents with cycle and nutritional problem. Paper presented at the Second International Congress of Adolescentology Milano 94: Adolescence and Family. Milan, Italy, November 18-19, 1994).

Key Words: Parental representations, self-image, family, nutritional problems.

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