Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1996, XI, 1

Relations with parents and sexual activity in adolescence

Ewa Stepien

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Presented results are a part of a broader research program on patterns and determinants of health behaviours in adolescents. In this study the relationship between some aspects of family situation and intensity of sexual activity was analysed.

The sample included over 1000 boys and girls aged 15-19. For data collection the questionnaire ''TY I ZDROWIE'' was used (Fraczek, Stepien , 1991 - a Polish adaptation of the Health Behaviour Questionnaire by Jessor et al.1989).

Some of the findings show that 21% of the subjects have had their sexual initiation. 75% of sexually active persons inform having had at least 2 partners and 2 intercourses during last year (''moderate'' style of sex life); 18% - have had at least 2 partners but more than 10 intercourse (''stable'' style; 7% - inform about 8 partners and at least 9 intercourse (''expansive'' style). Persons characterized by ''expansive'' style of sex life perceived their parents as rather demanding but not setting any strict rules to them. There were no differences between persons characterized by ''stable'' or ''moderate'' style of sexual activity in respect to their relations with parents.

Obtained results suggest that perceived parental strictness and demands are associated with intensity of sexual activity in adolescence.

(Paper presented at the Second International Congress of Adolescentology Milano 94: Adolescence and Family. Milan, Italy, November 18-19, 1994).

Key Words: Adolescence, sexual activity, parental strictness, support, demands.

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