Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1997, XII, 1-2

The Flow Chart of Health and Health Education in Adolescence

Imer Paolo Callegaro

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I work in the field of adolescent health education. I have witnessed that longing and searching for well-being are characteristics deeply rooted in human beings. Therefore, I wonder where the starting-point is, what activates, promotes, sustains and guides such a search? When does a person feel healthy? Does the achievement of such a goal depend upon circumstances, available means and resources, the right genes or something else? May one’s personality play a role in pursuing well-being? How can personality play such a role? Why do some achieve the goal, while others do not? Why do some wealthy people not "feel well", while other less wealthy people do "feel well"? Are there non-replaceables which assist one in reaching a true and complete well-being? Recent research has demonstrated the relationship between mind and body. The conception of "field of energy" indicates ways of contact between the Self and the brain. What is the relationship between feeling well inside and psycho-physical health? Is it reasonable to think health is not accidental, but rather the outcome of compliance, with "natural" rules. (i.e., rules inherent to the nature of human beings)? Does health have a scope? A positive answer to all these questions allows us to claim health education has a solid basis to develop more effective projects.

(Paper presented at the First International Congress "The Changing Family and Child Development", July 1997, University of Calgary, AB Canada)

Key Words: adolescent health education, well-being, mind-body, new health definition, health education.

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