Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 2002, XVII, 1-2


Aldo Zanon1

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This is a case of help intervention that follows the theory of person – centered medicine, and makes use of the instrument of kairological counseling towards a couple of parents having a son with Down Syndrome.
The intervention was deemed necessary for these parents who reacted by leaving their son upon receiving word he was aZicted by this syndrome.
The main points on which the subsequent medical intervention was based were:

  - its propaedeutic and meticulous preparation
  - researching and obtaining a formal job
  - drawing up a program
  - involving medical and paramedical staff
  - its rigorous space-time structure
  - the rigorous application of the counselling methodology as far as the welcome, the overcoming of     feelings of guilt, the promotion of resources, creation of new spaces and opportunities, the     research of empathization, the fundamental bases of man’s dignity.
  - the personal (and ethical?) responsibilities of parents, not forgetting responsibilities of the doctor,     who is directly involved by the evocation of his own sufferings in experiences as parent himself.

The decision of the parents to reclaim care of their son has surely presented a positive
result. By the way! The sense of gratitude shown by parents’ smiles is priceless!

Key Words: Person centered medicine, Down Syndrome, Counselling.

1. Correspondence to: Aldo Zanon M.D. E-mail:

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