Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1998, XIII, 1-2


Lorena Azzi1

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I met Laura in her hospital room, a few hours after her arrival from the neurosurgery department. It was difficult to be near Laura and still acknowledge her human dignity. Suddenly Laura had a cerebral hemorrhage, and even though she did not emit a word, she communicated her suffering to me in a tangible way by means of her reactions. During that period I took care of her body, but I did not take care of Laura as a whole person.
Taking an opportunity during a peaceful moment, I tried to talk with Laura about her condition in the simplest way. I explained to her what had happened and the plan for her recovery.
I made a proposal to her. From the present day, I explained, I would not be present in the gymnasium to see her activities; I would require a report from her concerning her daily activities.
Beginning that day, Laura stopped weeping, even if her problems were always present. She still had periods of crisis, and sometimes she rebelled, as she did not want to comply with my rigorous instructions, even though I explained them to her.
I was with Laura for about a year. The road to complete recovery is still very long. Laura’s achievements day by day during her stay in the hospital have been for Laura, her parents and for me like a new lease on life.

Key Words: human dignity, coping resources, family support.

1. Correspondence to: Dott. Lorena Azzi, Via Roma,86, 20033 Desio (Mi). E-Mail:

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