Medicine, Mind and Adolescence 1999, XIV, 1-2


Roberto Marinello1

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For two consecutive years anonymous questionnaires, completed at school, were given to all the students of the second class (n = 290,142 (49%) males and 148 (51%) females; mean = 15 years old) of the scientific secondary school “E.Curie” in Padova. The topics of the questions were 1) Adolescents and society (perceptions of adolescents about their world), and 2) The adolescent and the self (ways of thinking and living).
Data regarding society, school and family indicate that the students shared only in part the values of society. Moreover, they think that it is possible to change society by means of individual and collective engagement. Participants reported that their education and family relations are very good and that culture is a means to fight the evils of our time. This culture is considered only marginally connected to school, which satisfies the expectations of less of the half of them. They have a positive relationship only with those teachers that are responsive to them as persons in addition to their formal teaching. Respondents felt that religious messages are necessary, but only half of them engage in formal worship.
The data regarding friendship and the relation with the self indicate that respondents think they have good friends, are unsure of the future, and they are unsatisfied with their leisure time activities and are often tired. Most of them are satisfied with their body changes due to growth and feel, on the whole, serene and hopeful. They think that the most important values are friendship, love, family, respect, honesty, solidarity and sincerity.

Key Words:
Adolescence, Society, Family, School, Friendship.

1. Correspondence to: Roberto Marinello, Pediatra-Adolescentologo e Psicoterapeuta, via F.lli Bandiera, 10, 35124 Padova (Italia). Tel. 049/687950. E-mail:

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