medicine, mind and adolescence, 1999;
Vol. XIV, n. 1-2
Copyright 1999: Università Ambrosiana
Printed in Italy


The manifesto of person-centred medicine, Giuseppe R. Brera

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The promise, procedures, and problems of meta-analysis, Colin Comfort

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The darkness behind the light: the consequences of communicating extreme deceit,
Richard Fiordo

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Changes in psychosocial concomitants of Polish adolescents' life optimism in the 1990s,
Ewa Stepien

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The relationship between anxiety, attributional style and academic performance,
Amalia Escalona, Laura Puebla & Juan Jose Miguel Tobal

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Adolescents and society, Roberto Marinello

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Project of health education for street african children based on the kairological method
(tutoring projec),
Daniela Nigri & Giovanni Cecchini

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