medicine, mind and adolescence, 1997;
Vol. XII, n. 1-2

Copyright 1997: Università Ambrosiana
Printed in Italy


The relativity of biological reactions and the first formulation of an interactionist epistemological paradigm for medical science and its applications in clinical research and medical education, Giuseppe R. Brera

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Adolescentology: youth, their needs, and the professions at the turn of the century,
Leroy D. Travis

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Adolescentology in the 21st century: philosophy and method, Maurizio Bosio

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The flow-chart of health and health education in adolescence, Imer Paolo Callegaro

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Adolescence, adolescentology and interdisciplinary approaches, Peter Greven

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Origins of psychopathology: a developmental model, Claudio Violato and Mark Genius

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Developmental pathways to delinquency, Elizabeth Oddone-Paolucci, Claudio Violato and
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Adolescents' intensity of alcohol drinking and "embedding" in their family, Ewa Stepien

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Coping strategies: a comparative study of clinical group and community sample,
Monique Bolognini, Bernardi Plancherel, Oliver halfon and Michelle Dumont

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A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of pornography, Elizabeth Oddone-Paolucci, Mark Genius and Claudio Violato

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Le traumatisme psychosocial de guerre: approche global - olistique aux enfants traumatisés,
Giovanni Galli and Lucia Castelli

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